According to, the definition of AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) are strategies that assist people with severe communication disabilities to participate more fully in their social roles, including interpersonal interaction, learning education, community activities, employment, volunterism, care management, etc.
A high-tech tool for AAC can be a dynamic display voice output communication device. This is a computer interfaces that can generate printed and/or spoken text. This is especially helpful in people who are unable to use their natural speech to meet their communication needs. In the classroom, this may be a computer that essentially "speaks" to you, or will show you a format of the appropriate words.
According to, an input device is any device that provides input to a computer, such as a keybooard or a mouse. There are special input devices made for people with special needs, too.
A software example of an input device is called BrailleSurf. This is a software program is intended for visually impaired students that allows for simplified reading of text on the web. For students, information can be be displayed on a braille bar, or it also has a speech synthesizer that will speak aloud.

Very creative on the different devices and methods that you found! Great job Brenda