Saturday, February 4, 2012

Journal #1:100 Things That Make Me Happy

2. Sparkles
3. Rottweilers
4. My family
5. My friends
6. Volkswagen GTI
7. Movies
9. Rickenbacker Bass Guitars
10. Rainbows/ colors
11. tacos
12. roadtrips
13. concerts
14. shoes/ sneakers
15. coke
16. Step Aerobics
17. fried chicken
18. calculator watch
19. scratch and sniff stickers
20. walking my dog
21. baking
22. cooking
23. ice cream
24. hot chocolate
25. math
26. customer service
27. ipod
28.  good grades
29. vitamins
30. colorful socks
31. oatmeal chocolate chip cookies
32. water
33. les mills body pump
34. Turbo Kick Box
35. blankets
36. drive-in movie theaters
37. the whiskey a go go
38. Disneyland
39. peaches
40. new car smell
41. model homes
42. alarm clocks
43. karma
44. netflix
45. finishing hw
46. full tank of gas
47. coupons/ saving money
48. carpool lanes
49. direct deposit
50. getting paid
51. gum
52. heated car seats
53. movies during class
54. privacy
55. peace and quiet
56. folded laundry
57. drive-thrus
58. PS3
59.  chapstick
60. San Diego Chargers
61. Chicken Dinos
62. slot machines
63. movie theaters
64. sunglasses on sunny days
65. theme parks
66. chick-fil-A
67. buying new clothes
68. comfy socks
69. manners
70. glow-in-the-dark anything
71. TV shows
72. walking my dog
73. finishing daily agenda
74. napping
75. girl scout cookies
76. watching my boyfriend play his guitar
77. playing with my boyfriend, and our guitars
78. Little Big Planet game
79. The board game CLUE, and winning
80. a cigarrete, every now and then
81. paying off bills
82. hanging out with my friends
83. Christmas!
84. making people happy
85. days off from both work and school
86. glitter
87. Scentsy candles
88. strawberries in the summer
89. cleaning up
90. make-up
91. Target
92. hand-sanitizer
93. snow-globes
94. watching football on Sunday
95. learning from my grandma
96.  ninetendo DS
97.  Sega Genesis
98. scented markers
99. hearing about ghost/ supernatural experiences!
100. a nice cold beer for finishing this!

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